at the VFW Post 7448 War Memorial in Withrop Harbor, IL

Name:  GOLD STAR 11     400 LBS         Placement:  July, 2021

Location:  2900 9th ST.  Winthrop Harbor, IL  60096  at The Village Park

Leigh Gardella-Woods     Phone:  224-436-1186

LeNette Van Haverbeke  Phone:  847-269-2223 

Learn more about this Sculpture

This sculpture is dedicated to the Gold Star Military families in the area. In 2019, San read an article about how Leigh Gardella Woods was trying to work with her town of Winthrop Harbor, Illinois.  Several years before, Leigh and her husband had purchased a 10,000+ sf old elementary school and renovated half of it to live in.  In front of that property was a 3,000 lb. boulder that had a plaque on it dedicated years before by the school children at that school and they named it a 9/11 memorial.  The town had thought that since the school was no longer there, the plaque seemed inappropriate.  A dispute evolved with the town and Leigh and her family for they wanted to keep the plaque there as many people stopped by over the years to see it.  One reporter got wind of the story and it ended up being written about all over the world in the press.  San saw this article and contacted Leigh and told her that she had the original parts of the slurry wall from ground zero.  Between many discussions between Leigh and her friend Lynette Haverbeke, all three women realized that if San was to provide a piece of the World Trade Center wall, the addition to this boulder of hers would make it an official 9/11 memorial, one that they could all be proud of to have.   Lynette Vanderbeke, Leighs Leighs friend, owns a cemetery nearby and it was decided that Lynette would order the granite façade that was to cover the concrete base to hold the Gold Star 11.  When she called to get a price for the engraved black granite, the man on the phone asked her what she needed it for.  Once he heard that it was for a 9/11 memorial, he told her he would only sell her another granite.  It just so happened that this man’s company was the one who engraved all the granite that is installed at the reflection pools showing all those lost in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.  So this memorial of Project 911UP, has the same vein of granite used in New York City at the 9/11 memorial!  with aboulder was relocated to the new location in Winthrop Harbor at 2900 9th street and added to the Gold Star 11 memorial from Project 911UP.  s a woman who had the desire to bring a great 9/11 memorial to her community and LeNette was instrumental in helping with all the details.  LeNette designed the base for this sculpture.  When she went to order the granite for the base, she just so happened to call the same company that placed all the engraved black granite around the reflection ponds at the 9/11 memorial in NYC.  When they found out this was a 9/11 memorial with an authentic piece, they told her she should only use this granite.

This memorial sits at the left facing side of the VFW Post 7448 War Memorial.   A cannon, bookends the opposite side as several military and patriotic flags fly in the center.

Here is a link to the video taken in July 2021 on the dedication day of this memorial.

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More Images of GOLD STAR 11

Enjoy these exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and moments captured involving this memorial sculpture

News about GOLD STAR 11

Enjoy these exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and moments captured involving this memorial sculpture

The article provides a brief overview of Sandra Priest, an American artist known for her sculptures and public art installations. It highlights her involvement in various projects, including the creation of memorials dedicated to the victims of 9/11. The article mentions her collaboration with New......

As the 20th anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, approaches, our collective memory turns to the heroes and the indomitable spirit displayed during that dark day in American history. One remarkable project, Project 911up, led by the talented artist Sandra Priest, is......

We are honored to be covered in this write up featured on You can read the original article by clicking here. Here is what they had to say: ANA ROSA MENGOTTI MEAURIO journalist for EFE Translated from Spanish to English Practically the only thing......

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